Experienced entrepreneurs scaling up innovative small and medium sized companies, SME´s, internationally through organic growth and
a world-wide network.

About Novoheat AB

Novoheat is a private Swedish investment and consultancy company started with a passion for sustainable energy, heating, cooling, cleantech, marine&offshore. We focus on innovative SME´s aiming for internationalization and have invested in companies in Europe and Asia.

Our services

Your partner for internationalization and system integration.

Your partner for internationalization and system integration.

As based on decades of experience and an extensive international contact network, Novoheat take on assignments within Strategy & Management Consulting, Project Financing, Legal and Technical Due Diligences, Sourcing and may also on a project by project basis act as a supplier of turn-key systems.

Experts in Business modelling and risk reduction.

The founder is also frequently acting as hired speaker on internationalization and business modelling at international events and as an advisor to Asian and European investors and Small / Medium Sized Enterprizes, SME´s. As based on proven success cases.

Experts in Business modelling and risk reduction.

Mårten Björk

Finalist E&Y Swedish Entrepreneur of the Year 2018 Western Sweden

"Hands on" entrepreneur with personal experience from starting and developing business, agency networks / liason offices / JV´s / start-ups / procurement / production in 40+ countries within marine industry, renewables and clean technology. Also within developing countries and conflict effected regions. Advisor to investors, energy and clean-tech companies within business modelling. Co-ordinator for commercializing Swedish innovations within P.R China. International board experience and hired speaker.Finalist E&Y Swedish Entrepreneur of the Year 2018.

Linkedin profile
Marten Bjork


Co-founder Elpanneteknik Sweden AB, Legend Technologies (Shanghai) Co Ltd Founder Ecobarge Sweden AB, S-Man Heating Systems AB, S-Man Solutions AB, S-Man Water AB, and Novovision AB. Shareholder and Partner at Nordic China Healthcare Solutions and Skye Contracts.


Former CEO and of- and shareholder in S-Man AB, Euroboilers / Garioni-Naval SPA (Italy), part of management at Scandinavia's second largest newspaper as well as a leading home electronics group. Mårten studied law at School of Economics, Business and law in Sweden and Kingston Polytechnic in UK.

Why choose us

Entrepreneurs with decades of personal experience from starting, running and scaling up Small and Medium Sized Enterprizes, SME´s, internationally as based on organic growth, positive cashflow and successful exits.

Ability for filling the gaps your own organisation may have within M&A, due diligences, legal, marketing, sales, project financing, sourcing, turn-key installations, commissioning assignments.

Access to international network in 40% countries as developed "by foot" with experience from successfully finalizing almost 1 000 projects together.

Already involved in other companies in different stages of development from start-ups to ready for exit and with ability to incorporate your solutions into ongoing turn-key system deliveries already under way.

Experience from crisis management taking companies from expected bankruptcies to successful exits.

Prepared to take on- and reduce risks together with you.

How can we help you?
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Marten Bjork Linked In page link

Novoheat AB

City Office in World Trade Centre, 107 24, Stockholm, Sweden.
Phone: +4 676 006 39 37
E-mail: contact@novoheat.com